Saturday, December 27, 2014

Skeleton Crew

I am the only one left. The office is closed until January 5; several staff members are out of town, others are on holiday.

I said that I would post daily during the Twelve Days; that proves to be harder than one might expect, and increases my respect for those bloggers who do manage to post daily, come what may. Today, I have tied up an unexpected loose end concerning tomorrow's service, and I have little time (I am eating a quick Dinner as I write this), for I need to get back upstairs and practice some more.

I merrily puttered around on Friday, clearing the Youth Choir folders, running the dishwasher up in the kitchen (which was full of dirty punch glasses, probably from Monday's reception), writing the essay on Bach that I posted yesterday. I should have been checking on the details related to the service tomorrow.

It will be all right; I will simply be working about one hour later today than I had intended. Several of us on the church staff have been running at an unsustainable pace this last fortnight or more; I certainly cannot keep going as I have been. But I should have kept pushing for two more days.

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