Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Die blaue Blume

The Blue Flower

This afternoon, after playing the Liszt Weinen Klagen, I received at my office a vase of blue irises, with a note. It was from the organbuilder, C.H., who was at the concert on this instrument that he designed and installed, thanking me for a “masterly reading and interpretation,” with reference to the “blaue Blume” as a Romantic ideal, claiming that I “achieved that ideal today...”

I do not recall anyone ever sending or giving me flowers after a performance. It made me as giddy as a teenager. I still am, several hours later: I put the flowers out in the choir room for all to enjoy.

Die blaue Blume

Ich suche die blaue Blume,
Ich suche und finde sie nie,
Mir träumt, dass in der Blume
Mein gutes Glück mir blüh.
Ich wandre mit meiner Harfe
Durch Länder, Städt und Au'n,
Ob nirgends in der Runde
Die blaue Blume zu schaun.
Ich wandre schon seit lange,
Hab lang gehofft, vertraut,
Doch ach, noch nirgends hab ich
Die blaue Blum geschaut.

(Joseph von Eichendorff, 1818)


Raisin said...

Marvelous -- and well deserved, too. Are you familiar with Mary Oliver's book of poems entitled Blue Iris? (Hmm, how do you italicize in this comment box?!)

Castanea_d said...

Raisin, thank you for coming to the program. No, I am not familiar with that book. Thanks again.