Sunday, March 6, 2011

G.P.S - the end, at last

March 5: Saturday (T minus 11)

Saturday is usually devoted almost entirely to Sunday preparations, and today is no exception. I have about thirty minutes at the end of the day before catching the bus, and use it to do a slow play-through of the third movement, and parts of the first movement.

March 6: The Last Sunday after the Epiphany (T minus 10)

This was an intense day. The youth choir sang at the contemporary service (with string trio; an arrangement of a Bach cantata movement); the adult choir sang at the traditional service (the Mozart Laudate Dominum, with soprano); there was Choral Evensong later in the day. All of the music went well. Besides the choral pieces at all three services, I was especially pleased with the closing hymn and postlude thereon at the contemporary service (“Ye watchers and ye holy ones”), and pleased that the postlude for the traditional service went well.

The choir was especially good with the Evensong psalmody; it was “in the pocket” as one of the basses described it.

It is about 7:00 pm before I start the evening's practicing. With a dinner break about 9:00, wherein I finish my parts of next Sunday's bulletins, I work until almost 1 am, and complete the finale.

It has been a long day.

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